Europe, Life

Winter in Bavaria

When it comes to Bavaria, one thing I still haven’t been able to fully grasp is the weather, with winter being no exception to that statement.

We’ve had snow covering the ground, and the next week a thin long sleeve shirt is plenty despite what the forecast is showing. Right now we have a full week of rain on the horizon. Luckily though, I have managed to prepare for anything that may be thrown at us by doing this–

  1. Dress in Layers – Clothing is your friend, but the art of layering is your best friend. Invest in high-quality winter clothing, including a waterproof and windproof jacket, thermal layers, insulated boots, gloves, scarfs and a hat. Bavarian winters can be cold, so the right attire is essential.
  2. Winterproof your Home – Ensure your home and work space is well-heated by checking the insulation and sealing any drafts. Have sufficient blankets and warm bedding to stay comfortable during the cold days & nights.
  3. Drive Safe – If you’re driving, make sure your vehicle has winter tires and be cautious on snow-covered or icy roads. Even if the roads look good, be careful. Leave a little earlier than usual, allowing yourself time to clear any ice or snow from your car, and the opportunity to drive as slow as needed. TIP: Keep an emergency kit in your car with: a blanket, snacks, and a flashlight.
  4. Take Care of YourselfPhysically & Mentally – Even in cold weather, it’s important to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids to maintain your overall health. Cold weather can make you more susceptible to illnesses. So boosting your immune system by getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and consuming vitamin-rich foods. Also, people tend to get a little depressed with days being shorter and getting dark earlier. So make sure to plan your activities accordingly and ensure you have adequate lighting when needed to combat the down moments – Vitamin D also helps.
  5. Bavarian Christmas Traditions – Immerse yourself in local winter festivals and traditions. Visit Christmas markets, try traditional Bavarian winter foods & drinks (Glühwein), and attend cultural events. Engaging in local customs can improve your winter experience and connect you with the community, helping you get through the tough winter months. Bonus: While many people in Bavaria speak English, learning some basic German phrases can be helpful, especially in more remote areas!

Amazon finds to help you get through the Winter months-

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